Zach Bonner is a remarkable young man. If you go and google him, you'll see what I mean. This movie is basically a rendition of his life and more in particular the events that led up to his first "Walk". In the movie he is very ably portrayed by Chandler Canterbury (The Host of 2013). However, today I want to deviate from my usual recipe and write about children like Zach.
Recent worldwide studies shown that children born since the 1990's are different. They are often refer to as 'millennium children' and it is as if there was a silent leap in evolution. Not only is this generation of children much smarter that ever before with an almost natural affinity for technology, they also seem to be very sure of themselves by knowing at a very early age exactly what it is that they want from life. They further seem to have a lot less interest in things material and are much more tuned into spirituality. But what is most notable of all, is their deep concern for nature and especially for their fellow man which is aptly demonstrated in this film.
The message, therefor I think, is clear. The question, however, is: Are we as adults listening? Your comments are welcome (PS. For what it's worth, I rated this movie 3 out of 5 stars.)
Trailer link:
The real Zach Bonner... ...and with Chandler Canterbury
Trailer link:
The real Zach Bonner... ...and with Chandler Canterbury