THE LORD OF THE RINGS (2001 - 2003)
The original novel by J.R.R. Tolkien was actually published in three volumes over a period of one year during 1954 and 1955. Initially the author intended it to be a sequel to his book, The Hobbit, which appeared in 1937. However, eventually it went on and became the most successful novel ever with over 150 million copies sold (outsold only by the Bible). This is also the reason given by director, Peter Jackson, why his film version was released in three part. Besides, otherwise it would be simply too damn long to sit through in one session!
Be that as it may, fact is that the three volumes tell only one story, namely that of the Hobbit, Frodo Baggins (in the films played by Elijah Wood), and his quest to destroy an evil magic ring. Of cause that is not the whole story. That is why it took three volumes adapted into a three part movie to be able to tell it all. But for purposes of this post, it will suffice. What counts here is its Oscar achievements.
Part 1: The Fellowship of the Ring (released in 2001)
It was nominated for nine Academy Awards and won four, being best:
- Cinematography
- Makeup
- Music, Original Score
- Effects, Visual Effects
Part 2: The Two Towers (released in 2002)
Nominated for four; won two for best:
- Sound Editing
- Visual Effects
Nominated for and won all eleven awards for best:
- Picture
- Director
- Writing, Adapted Screenplay
- Film Editing
- Art Direction - Set Decoration
- Costume Design
- Makeup
- Music, Original Score
- Music, Original Song
- Sound Mixing
- Visual Effects
Trailer link:
Christopher Tolkien (son of the author) with Peter Jackson