A little while ago I undertook to add trailer links and stills to every DVD reviewed on this blog so far. Well, I am pleased to announce that it has been done. You can now view these for every movie on this blog, right from the very first post!
BLENDED (2014)
Featuring: Adam Sandler; Drew Barrymore; Terry Crews
Director: Frank Coraci
Usually I am not too crazy about Adam Sandler but must admit that the combo with Drew Barrymore seems to work as is evident from movies like 50 First Dates (2004) and The Wedding Singer (1998).
In this movie they are single parents who, after a disastrous blind date with each other, find themselves and their kids together on a safari-like vacation in Africa. But what initially looks like another disaster waiting to happen, eventually turns out surprisingly (...really?) lucky for both of them...and their kids.
Again, this is nothing you haven't seen before in some guise or the other; all the National Lampoon vacation movies from the 80's come to mind. It is basically light fluff presented as comedy for when there is nothing better to watch. Subsequently I award it only 2 out of 5 stars.
Trailer link:
Some scenes...