Monday, 11 November 2013

I Am The Stone Boy



I saw this 1983 movie the first time on DVD about two years ago and was so moved by it that when I had to choose a name for my blog I could think of no better name for it than the title of this particular movie.

I love movies and have quite a collection of DVD's, some mainstream but mostly rarely heard of indies. The aim of this blog is then to, from time to time, share with whoever might be interested, my thoughts on some of these movies.

The plot of The Stone Boy is in short two brothers that go out hunting early one morning. The older brother is then accidentally killed by the younger one. The rest of the story tells how the family, and in particular the younger brother deals with the tragedy and loss. And it was especially the way in which the young boy, as portrayed by Jason Presson, dealt with it all that impressed most. The scene on the bus stayed with me for days after I watched it. But with actors like Robert Duvall, Glenn Close and Wlfred Brimley, the acting all round is outstanding.

This is one of the few DVD's in my collection that I awarded with 5 out of 5 stars. It is therefore highly recommended, if you can get hold of it, that is.

Trailer link:

    Jason Presson                   Bus scene


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