Tuesday, 14 November 2017


Featuring: Christian Bale; Michael Caine; Tom Hardy

Director: Christopher Nolan

This might be the final film in this particular Batman franchise trilogy but I found it rather wanting. For one it seems to be somewhat of a repeat of Batman Begins just with a different villain. And then there is the unsatisfying ending... almost as if the whole affair so far was a set up for things to come like the pilot episode of a TV series. But we all know nothing ever came; not from Chris Nolan and company anyway.

Since the Batman took the blame for the death of Harvey Dent eight years ago, Bruce Wayne (Christian Bale) became a recluse hardly ever to be seen in public. But then, during one of these rare occasions, his interest is sparked by a mysterious woman called Selina (Anne Hathaway) who turns out to be a notorious cat burglar. And in an attempt to get closer to her he is led into a trap set by a dangerous criminal known only as Bane (Tom Hardy) who is hellbent on destroying Gotham City for once and for all.

Even though there is nothing new or unfamiliar to the recipe for the plot, the movie is gripping and sure to keep you on the edge of your seat. The special effects are spectacular and the action fast and furious... until you come to the final few scenes as already mentioned which is a real let down for an otherwise excellent movie.

Thus, I rate it 3 out of 5 stars.

Trailer link:

 Batman's coolest toy yet: the Bat!

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